Lunch / Hot Lunch » Lunch & Hot Lunch Information

Lunch & Hot Lunch Information


Food delivery via Uber Eats, Door Dash, etc. is not allowed on campus. This poses a threat to the safety, security, and supervision of our students and staff.


Please send your child’s lunch to school with them each morning. Please do not pack glass bottles, soft drinks/sodas, milkshakes, excessive amounts of candy, or other foods with high sugar content.



7:35 a.m.                           First Bell
7:40 a.m.                            Second Bell/Tardy Bell 

8:50-9:10 a.m.                      KN Recess

9:10-9:30 a.m.                      TK Recess

9:40-10:00 a.m.                     Recess (1st-8th) 

11:30-Noon                         TK&K Lunch
11:55 a.m.-12:30 p.m.               Lunch 

2:35 p.m.                            Carpool begins

2:45 p.m. 3:00 p.m.                 Extended daycare begins




Hot lunch ordering involves TWO steps. 1) You place your order in the Lunch menu on FACTS and 2) you make a payment on the Financial page. You MUST click the pay button in order for your order to complete. 


If you place an order and do not make payment, your order is considered incomplete and will not be included in our lunch report. You will not be able to add your order in after the ordering window is closed. 


It is important for you to make sure payment is made after your order is placed. You should ensure you receive a payment receipt from FACTS after your order is placed. 


Please contact [email protected] with any questions.